My Story

As a Change Manager, I struggled for a long time to make the SWOT analysis a success.

After trial and error, I developed a much better approach. SWOT 2.0 gives you better results, without having to invest extra time. And you don’t need me for a good result.

SWOT 2.0 is free for everyone to use. SWOT 2.0 is simple, fast and gives better results.

Many thanks for the meaningful feedback over the years.

SWOT 2.0. Story

SWOT 2.0 has been developed from practice and has been extensively tested in the years 2015 to 2022. It has been deployed at more than 25 organizations worldwide, from South America to Southeast Asia.

SWOT 2.0 has been applied very successfully without exception. No training is required and you can use it without guidance.

In addition to an analysis, SWOT 2.0 produces a targeted action plan as a result. A team comes out motivated and can start the next day.

What do participants think of SWOT 2.0?

We asked those who had previously worked with a SWOT analysis, what they think of SWOT 2.0. You can try SWOT 2.0 yourself.

If you want to know more: read our FAQ!

“Immediately after the inventory of potential, the team formulated the goals. That worked great!!!!”

“SWOT 2.0 tool is great, it’s so easy to use and very useful.”                                 

“The team remained motivated and has made the goals for the coming months concrete.”