SWOT Analysis

SWOT is a management tool for analyzing strategic issues.

The SWOT Analysis has been used worldwide since the 1960s to find out where an organization stands.

The method has a number of advantages. It offers the possibility to compare internal (sterngth and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors.

It is an analysis that is not very concrete and does not bring people into action.

A SWOT can clarify the challenges you face. A global analysis, which you then have to work with in your organization.

The cons

My experiences after guiding more than 100 SWOT sessions.

  1. More than 80% wants as result more than a strategic analysis.
  2. To arrive at an action plan via SWOT is time-consuming and complex.
  3. More than half of the SWOT participants have a different idea of ​​the objective than the organizer himself.
  4. More than 90% of the SWOT sessions mainly yield many generalities.
  5. Weaknesses and threats mainly generate a lot of negative energy.
  6. More than half of SWOT analyzes disappear in a desk drawer.
  7. Combining internal and external factors does not yield much more than some focus areas.

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Is the SWOT an effective tool?

After years of using SWOT 1.0 in all kinds of advisory processes, there is only one conclusion for me: the current SWOT approach needs a thorough review.

Here it is and completely free.

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