SWOT 2.0 is used in a very targeted way, everyone knows exactly what it is about. However, the SWOT 1.0 is limited to an analysis and it is very unclear in advance what exactly it focuses on.
The SWOT analysis has been used in more and more situations in recent years. That says something about the simplicity and applicability of an easy-to-understand analysis tool.
However, when using the SWOT analysis, a number of elements are missing. So after a SWOT 1.0 you are not as far as you would like to be. SWOT 2.0 does offer a much more direct result. It sets things in motion and prompts action, while an analysis is also part of the result.
SWOT 1.0

SWOT 2.0

Where can you use SWOT 2.0?
- For an organization to determine the course, to clarify objectives and to initiate improvements.
- To give a project or program a flying start and to have a concrete project / action plan at the end.
- For personal development to achieve personal empowerment.
SWOT 2.0 does not require extensive guidance from an advisor in any way. It is useful to have a supervisor who can guide a team without being directly involved in the process under investigation. But that could very well be someone from within the organization.
After a SWOT 2.0 session, you can start taking actions the next day. The time savings and positive energy that SWOT 2.0 creates are huge compared to the SWOT analysis.
Relevant differences from the SWOT analysis
There are a number of distinctive differences between traditional SWOT analysis and SWOT 2.0. Parts in which SWOT 2.0 differs from the SWOT Analysis.
- With a SWOT 2.0 it is more logical and clear what it is about.
- The outcome is much more concrete and motivating.
- You can start the execution the next day.
- It’s easy to explain.
- It feels natural as a process.
- It stimulates targeted action.
- Participants will work in a much more focused way after the first step (focus).
- Setting concrete goals makes people enthusiastic and motivated.
- The negative feeling is gone and the energies do not subside like in a SWOT analysis.
- Obstacles (weaknesses and threats) are related to concrete objectives.
- Obstacles are tackled immediately by drawing up a concrete action plan.

The conclusion is that SWOT lags behind SWOT 2.0 when it comes to focus, objectives, concrete results and team building. In terms of analysis and simplicity, SWOT 2.0 and SWOT are not inferior to each other.
A clear difference is the focus step with which SWOT 2.0 begins. In this step, the purpose of the meeting is determined more precisely in a very short time. In SWOT, the exact goal often remains too vague. This presents generalities that contribute little.
Because the end result of a SWOT 2.0 is concrete (action plan), it also generates positive energy. The next day you can start the implementation, which gives a fantastic feeling.
Is holding SWOT 2.0 session difficult?
Working with SWOT 2.0 for personal development takes a maximum of one hour. As part of a project start, you will lose a maximum of half a day.
For more extensive and complex organization and marketing issues, there is a result within a day. This result goes much further than a global analysis.
It’s very easy to run a SWOT 2.0 session. Like a SWOT, it must be well prepared.
SWOT 2.0 needs little explanation. A supervisor will have to prepare a little extra the first time. But if you are used to guiding a SWOT session, SWOT 2.0 can also get you started very quickly.
SWOT or SWOT 2.0?
After working with SWOT for decades, I switched to SWOT 2.0 two years ago. First under the heading of the existing SWOT with some extensions. Adjustments that were related to my own experiences and that make a SWOT more effective. And that felt less and less pleasant.

Now I’ve thought it through and developed a whole new approach and I call it SWOT 2.0. I realize the name doesn’t really matter at all. It is about the effectiveness of a tool to initiate change. And I’ve done that my whole career: increasing the impact of change: faster and better. The improvements of SWOT 2.0 fit in with that. SWOT 2.0 is free to use by anyone (CC 4.0 license).